The Bridge Experts

Paulo Brum - Administrator of this website. 7th in the Brazilian National Ranking. Paulo won his first international trophy (in the U-26 category) in 1996. Since then, he has won Brazilian and South American championships, and has represented Brazil in international competition since 2007. Currently living in Columbus, OH, in the United States. Available as a coach for partnerships and teams, online and in person.

Diego Brenner - World Life Master. Winner of the World Transnational Teams, of the Vanderbilt Cup, and of several South American championships. Bronze Medal in the World Pairs Championship. Good results in many other international tournaments, including the Rosenblum Cup, the World Bridge Series, etc. His former partners include Edison Brenner, Bruno Pacheco, Gabino Cintra, Gabriel Chagas, Marcelo Branco, Marcos Thoma (all from Brazil), as well as Carlos Pellegrini (ARG), Norberto Bocchi (ITA), and Agustin Madala (ARG/ITA). Currently partnering Miguel Villas-Boas (BRA) and Paul Hackett (ENG).

Marcelo Branco - Marcelo Branco is one of the greatest bridge players in activity. He is the only player ever to have won the World Pairs championship twice, and is one of only 10 players who have earned the Triple Crown -- winning the World Pairs, the World Bridge Series (formerly the Olympiad) and the Bermuda Bowl. His Brazilian partners in recent years include Gabriel Chagas, Miguel Villas Boas, Diego Brenner, Paulo Brum, and Marcos Thoma.

Roberto Barbosa -